Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ryan is "not still wrapped up in high school life, but thinks it's way funny that you definitely are."

Dear Lisa, 

Thanks for stopping by to read my blog today.  I'm glad to have a daily role in your web surfing life.

So, remember how we were talking about how we wouldn't do high school again?  Our reason being that we were beyond high school from the moment we started it.  You said you missed the college days, in fact, me thinks you said you loved them.  I didn't.  My own fault probably, but I got thinking. . .I was beyond college from the first day I got there, too. 

You'll be glad to know that I've finally found my groove.  Dentistry-ing is awesome. (Don't laugh) Turns out dental school was just what I needed.  On the first day I thought I would try to be a "new" Ryan.  I thought it would be good to try to become some of those cool college kids that I had often heard of and occasionally seen.  Well, there were a few of those types in dental school, but it turns out there were also some who were just like me - the "old" Ryan (and I use "old" both figuratively and literally in this situation - you understand).

To use your words, I loved dental school.  I made awesome study guides and created some really cool spreadsheets.  Man, studying is fun!  Sure, the last four years were hell, but I would never trade the experience. 

So, friend-about-NYC, Lisa, I found it.  It wasn't high school and it wasn't college.  Dental school did it for me.  I have felt, for the last four years, that I really belong where I am.  Being a dentist is the first thing I've ever tried that I truly believed I was great at.  

What do you say we take to Facebook and let all those "cool" kids from high school know how awesome we are at this exact moment?  

Your Friend,

1 comment:

  1. YESSSSS! Let's do it. Now that we have Facebook, we don't need a reunion to show everyone how remarkably awesome we are indeed. ;)
