Thursday, July 16, 2009

Accomplish My Day

As I (try to ) ease in to my new role as Dental Resident I'm working hard to focus on small accomplishments from each day. The chaos and frustration comes not from my lack of ability but from a lack of familiarity. A new setting with new people and new rules makes me a little crazy. So, here are five things that I'm proud to have accomplished today. . .

1) I completed a complicated extraction of #31 and #32. For those of you (Lisa) who don't know what that means, #32 is a wisdom tooth - the one on the bottom right. Tooth #31 sits directly in front of it. The bone was dense, the roots were long and I extracted them without incident.

2) I figured out how to send out all of my labwork requests. I'm having trouble letting go of control now that I don't have to do the labwork myself. So today, I figured out a couple of different cases for the lab. I designed a lower RPD (that's removable partial denture, Lisa) and properly selected the tooth mold and shade for a complete upper denture (using a technique I've never tried before).

3) I finally cooked myself a real dinner. For the first time since I've lived in Syracuse. It was great and I instantly felt better about my surroundings. Mmm, home cooking.

And on a different note...I really love this song by Sam Sparro. It's called Black and Gold. It's got a great sound and makes me happy. I'm not hip on all the new music out there but this one is new to me. Click for a great live version. . .


  1. My #32 was apparently particularly hard to remove. He went back in after I had woken up to retrieve some elusive piece of tooth/root. In fact, occasionally the site of my former #32 still bothers me.

  2. Yup, that was three. One of my accomplishments apparently was NOT learning to count. . .I sure how I extracted the right tooth .. . . . ;)
