"What you think of me is none of my business."
--via Lisa B who found it somewhere on the internet ;)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Good News Friday
This week, Good News Friday is all about me. ME!
1) Last night I won the Worlds Most Awesome Dentist of the Year Magnificence Award of Great Excellence or, the Humanitarian Award. I also go the Public Health and Community Dentistry Award. It was a great night to hang out with friends and colleagues.
2) Tonight is my graduation dinner with the entire family here in Buffalo. Looking forward to it.
3) Tomorrow is GRADUATION. You don't need to call me Dr. Comfort. . .Dr. Ryan is just fine.
Here's a little something that isn't about me to even things out. . .another great video of some awesome wildlife.
Happy Good News Friday. . .
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Do you ever find yourself wishing your life away? I've recently come into some free time (thanks, graduation!) and don't have any idea what to do with myself. At 10:30 this morning I went to graduation rehearsal and tonight at 5:00 I have a Happy Hour. That leaves a little over 6 hours of time I need to fill. . . .

Here are some examples of my thoughts over the last four years:
"If I had some free time I could read that book." -Ryan, 2nd year, elbow deep in projects to complete with no time to complete them
"Why is there always something good on TV when I have things to do?" - Ryan, third year, final exams week
"I wish that I could go to the mall today." - Ryan, fourth year, studying for the National Boards
So here I sit, about two more hours to kill and I don't have a book handy, there isn't anything good on television and I've already been to the mall. I think that as a whole, we (we, as in the larger society) have been trained to run the hamster wheel all day long. Get up, go to work/school, complete tasks/study, come home, rinse and repeat. The idea of taking a vacation is just as stressful as your daily routine because you know that when you get back you'll have a full inbox and a stack of To-do's on top of your desk that seems daunting.
I'm about to hop off my old hamster wheel, the one that runs like a well-oiled machine. It doesn't squeak and I hardly need to push to get it to turn. Off of the old wheel and onto the new - it's bigger, it's heavier and it comes with a lot more responsibility.
Today I needed to kill 6 hours. . .starting Saturday, I'll have six weeks to fill before I start turning the new wheel. Any ideas how to fill my time?

Friday, May 1, 2009
It's week three of Good News/Good Mood Friday. I believe it has been a great success. I actually find myself seeking out things during the week to post up here on Fridays, which makes every day a good news day! Enjoy

1) Arrrr, a good laugh, matey:

Scroll to the bottom of the facebook page you have open in the next window (you know you do). Click on "English (US)" and switch it to "English (Pirate)." There is something great about seeing which of your 'blokes has pledged 'is allegiance to flip flops, or something equally absurd. Try not to smile, just try.
2) Some Good Friends:
Makes me smile every time. Keep watching for the moment when the one otter reaches out to take hold of his friends hand again. Try not to "Awww" :)
3) Some Dental Thoughts:
"Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill." ~Johnny Carson
"Some old women and men grow bitter with age; the more their teeth drop out, the more biting the get." ~George D. Prentice
And a little Shakespeare for ye thespians. . .
"For there was never yet philosopher
That could endure the toothache patiently."
~William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
4) A Good Blog:
Finally, see what Lisa has to say about things.
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